Layered Landscape

The Brief : Solutions to create useable areas for large garden that sloped in both directions. Our clients requested a generous space to entertain large groups with a bar and outdoor cooking. Hot tub was also on the wish list as well as a pond and firepit area to watch the sun go down as the garden faces west. The owners like to garden so were not afraid of generous planting.

The Solution : Terraces and layered planting beds with formal scheme and lawn near the house, steps and paths lead to social area underneath a automated canopy including Grillo kitchen and space for 8-10 to dine with space at the bar. The hot tub and lounge seating overlooks a large pond. The garden gently drops down to a looser more natural feel with a wildlife meadow and species rich lawn. Tucked away is a firepit and area to grow vegetables, the summer house has a view back to the house. We utilised contemporary high-end materials to last the test of time, porcelain paving and wall cladding add a luxurious feel.