Coastal Retreat

The Brief : To create a outdoor room for this small seafront garden and light screening from being overlooked by passers by on the coastal path. Steps for direct access to the beach over the sea wall that forms the rear boundary of the garden. Seating areas for lounging and dining and soft planting scheme.

The Solution: We used every square inch of the space to create two zones a decked lounge area near the house where you can sink into an outdoor sofa and read a book. Lightly screened from view with airy transparent perennials in galvanised troughs that sway in the wind. The second zone features a central table, raised beds with filled with seasonal coastal planting, a bespoke set of stairs to access the beach beyond and tensioned wire fencing at eye level to make the garden feel less exposed from passing pedestrians.

“ Cant tell you how pleased we are with the garden, its such a transformation! It feels so much bigger and more useable now,. A real outdoor room, which is exactly what we wanted and we have had some lovely comments from passers by – You are very clever, thank you !” Laura, Whitstable